Internship, apprenticeship, dual study programme?
You have all the options with us!
We invest in education and training so that qualified specialists will be there to support our company in the future and in order to pass on our valuable experience to the next generation. Our apprenticeship rate of more than 10% proves that we are eager to permanently gain young and technologically-oriented talent for our company.
An apprenticeship at AXA is characterised by practical, independent and autonomous assignments. Our apprenticeship programme has received numerous acknowledgements and awards from schools, authorities and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. This shows us that our efforts are on the right track for training new specialists.

- Elektronikerin / Elektroniker
- Industriekauffrau / Industriekaufmann
- Industriemechanikerin / Industriemechaniker
- Konstruktionsmechanikerin / Konstruktionsmechaniker
- Maschinen- u. Anlagenführerin / Maschinen- u. Anlagenführer
- Mechatronikerin / Mechatroniker
- Technische Produktdesignerin / Technischer Produktdesigner
- Zerspanungsmechanikerin / Zerspanungsmechaniker
Studies at AXA
AXA offers you the possiblity to study parallel to the training - as part of dual, integrated courses of study. This means you have the opportunity to complete both an education and a study graduation within four years.
Start with an internship
If you are still not sure which profession is the right for you, we offer you the possibility of an internship.
Apply now!
No matter how you decide, whether for an apprenticeship or an internship send your complete documents to:
AXA Entwicklungs- und Maschinenbau GmbH
Münsterstraße 57
D-48624 Schöppingen
or a pdf-file by email:
For more information have a look at our "Ausbildungsbroschüre".