VPC U - Gantry machining centre

The portal machining centre VPC-U displays its entire strength in 5-side machining of workpieces with its tilting spindle and the rotary table integrated into machine bed. The spindle swivels around the Y-axis while the NC-rotary table turns the workpiece into the right position in line with the specifications. The complete machine table consists of a combination of fixed tables and rotary table that is set higher than the fixed tables for the horizontal machining.
Traverse ranges:
X = 2300 mm - 3400 mm (vertical)
X = 2000 mm - 3100 mm (horizontal)
Y = 1200 mm - 2200 mm
Z = 600 mm - 1100 mm
Main design
Main design
- Extremely rigid, static and dynamically well balanced ground frame construction
- Spacious and easily accessible machine tables
- Direct measuring systems for X/Y/Z axes
- Cover according to current machinery directives
- Ideal for crane loading by the open covering over the work area
- Machine transport in one single piece
- Optimal accessibility for all maintenance and service requirements
In addition, the VPC-U can be flexibly extended, for example:
- Through spindle coolant with filter system
- Chip conveyor in slat-band belt, scraper belt or magnetic belt versions
- Controllers either from Heidenhain or Siemens
- Construction possible with additional rotary tables with horizontal rotation axis on fixed machine table
- Automatic doors
- Clamping systems – hydraulic, pneumatic, magnetic or manual
- Touch probes and tool touch probe systems
- Active power monitoring, collision monitoring and complete process monitoring
- Tool identification systems
- Laser breakage control with tool measurement
- Remote maintenance
Guideways and drives
Guideways and drives
- Clever combination of sliding and roller guideways for high dynamics, stiffness and absorption
- Guiding built upon manually scraped or grinded surface
- Optimal guiding by extremely large guidance ratio
- Real gantry drive in the Y-axis with corresponding individual drive, guideway and direct measuring system for both portal sides
- Drives and guideways are protected
- Ball screws in all linear axes
Tool changing system
Tool changing system
- Simple and very robust stationary placed tool changer
- Magazine protected in rear part of machine
- Stationary tool changer layout allows for long tool chains without any negative effect on machine dynamics and precision
- Fixed location coded tool management for better operator monitoring
- Simultaneous tool pre-selection by double gripping system
- Support of various tool holding systems such as SK, BT, HSK, CAPTO
- Magazine placement possible during machining
Tilting spindle
Tilting spindle
- 1-axis tilting spindle swivelling around the Y-axis (B-axis)
- stepless positioning or interpolating
- Tilting range 0° to -100°
Rotary table
Rotary table
- Continuous turning NC-rotary table around the Z-axis
- Integrated in machine bed
- Hydraulic clamping
Technical data
Technical data
Click to open or download the technical data as pdf file.
Product brochure
Product brochure
For more information about our VPC U please have a look at the brochure. Click here to open or download the brochure as pdf file.
Examples of use